Water & Soil Sampling

Understanding the properties of the soil and water is essential to providing the foundation for plant growth and maximising yields.

EATS can collect your samples, test them and provide practical solutions to enable you to overcome problems.

EATS provides a high quality, reliable and confidential service, providing you with answers that can improve farm profitability and sustainability.

EATS can provide an on-going water sample collection service allowing you to meet regulatory requirements for your business.

Contact EATS to help you achieve maximum yield, sustainable practices and effective solutions to your horticultural and agricultural problems.

EATS can

    • Collect water and soil samples with submission to NATA certified labs
    • Interpret results for water, soil and other samples (eg: fertiliser, manure, compost)
    • Prepare easy to read reports that highlight problems and suggest solutions
    • Provide a scheduled monitoring service
    • Submit required reports to regulatory authorities
Commercial Producer Service Agricultural, Horticultural & Farming EATS can help you to meet regulatory requirements, through planned sampling programs for water and soil & contract research and development activities.
testing laboratory Reliable Laboratory Testing Service Agriciultural & Horticultural Testing Our testing lab is conveniently located in Bunbury; Unit 5, 4 Mummery Crescent Bunbury 6230.